剉冰 has a consistency similar to Italian ice, but sometimes less fine and a little more course. Though, of course, the flavors and toppings are very different.
It can be served in a cup to eat on the go while shopping or it can be served in a large bowl to share with friends.The bowls I've seen used can be as big as the ones you get for noodle soup, filled with a huge mound of ice and countless toppings.
A variety a toppings can be sold and chosen. The most simple is just to put sugarcane juice to give a mild sweet flavoring or to put a darker colored syrup. Nowadays most people like to have a number of toppings used. You can get strawberries, mangoes, watermelon, red beans, mung beans, vermicelli, Chinese pudding/Bu Ding, grass jelly, tapioca balls (boba/bubbles), pineapple, taroroot, lotus seeds, all sorts! It is kind of like a buffet, you pick and choose your toppings and then pay for a set price.
There are some combinations that are already decided, such as "Eight Treasure Ice" 八寶冰 | bābǎobīng, the 8 ingredients used differs from vendor to vendor, but usually have: taro, azuki beans, mung beans, yams, sweetened peanuts, and grass jelly.
Condensed milk and cane syrup is sometimes poured over the 剉冰 to add more sweetness. The condense milk can also make the ice thicker and have a richer taste like ice-cream.
My personal favorite combinations are either:
1. strawberries, sweetened condensed milk, mangoes, and azuki beans
2. sugarcane syrup, mung beans, taroroot, grass jelly, azuki beans, vermicelli
Number 1 is something I am more likely to get in a city setting. Number 2 is what my grandmother would always get us when the days were especially hot. She would drive out on her moped and get us 20 NT worth of a huge bag filled with ice and toppings, pouring it out into a bowl for us to devour when she got home. Most of the ice (except for a few chunks here and there) would already melt due the intensity of the heat but no one would complain because it would still be nice and cool to stave off the heat of the day. :)
剉冰 with sweetened condense milk, strawberries, cherries, and I'm going to say that the orange ball on top is either mango ice-cream or a scoop of mango |
The red beans on the top/side are azuki beans, the light purple chunks on the bottom are taroroot, there's some mango chunks here and there, grass jelly on the left hiding under the green chunks (I don't know what they are), mung bean hiding in the back left, and mini boba's (tapioca balls) under some mango and taroroot chunks |
This is a simple 剉冰 with just the syrup which is equally good :) |
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